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What Materials are used in the different Berkey Spigots?

Berkey® Accessories
USABerkeyFilters Spigots 2021 blue stripe

What materials are used in the manufacturing of the Berkey® spigots and their related components?

There are four different official Berkey spigots available for purchase from authorized dealers like USA Berkey Filters.

The spigots are:

  1. The standard black plastic spigot used in all Berkey Stainless Steel Systems, except for the Go Berkey Kit.
  2. The standard blue plastic spigot used in both the Berkey Light Water System and Berkey Light Water System with LED Base.
  3. The Berkey Stainless Steel Spigot (with the Berkey® name etched into the handle), designed for use in all Berkey Stainless Steel Systems, except for the Go Berkey Kit.
  4. The Berkey Water Level View Spigot, designed for use in all Berkey Stainless Steel Systems, except for the Go Berkey Kit.

Both the black and blue plastic spigot shells and hardware nuts are made from FDA-grade polypropylene. Polypropylene is a plastic that is free of Bisphenol A (BPA).

The plunger (also known as the “stopper”) used inside of the standard black and blue plastic spigots, as well as the Berkey Water Level View Spigots, is made of FDA-grade silicone.

The washers used on the threaded stem bodies of the spigots are made of FDA-grade rubber.

The metal used to manufacture the housing of the Berkey Water Level View Spigots (also known as the Berkey Sight Glass Spigots) is a buffed aluminum-gauge shield with a glass insert tube. The small washers used inside of the aluminum sight-glass housing on both the top and bottom of the tube are made of FDA-grade rubber.

This article was an adapted version of technical information provided by New Millennium Concepts, Ltd., the manufacturer of Berkey® Water Systems and products.